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STECF - Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries


This report section includes all reports released by the STECF and its predecessor the STCF.


We are in the process of migrating from the old to the new STECF website. This includes moving a large number of files  of files. The migation is in progress and can be expected to be completed by end March 2025.
If a report is not yet accessible though the new website, all reports released since end 2008 are also available here:
In the EXCEL table you will find a list of all STECF reports published since end 2008. Check for the report(s) you need, copy the JRC number (marked green in the table), and paste in the search function of the website above.

Reports are sorted in categories, on this page you will find a description for all these categories. For guidance on how to reference the reports and information on DCF data used in the STECF context please see below. To perform a search on a specific report, the STECF Library (S-LIBRARY) is a better option alternatively to view the final reports for a specific category please click on the desired category:

List of categories

  • Plenary Meeting Reports
    Here you can find the reports of the plenary meetings. Plenary reports contain STECF’s evaluations of expert working group reports and advice/responses of the STECF on various requests from the Commission.
  • Data Collection Framework (DCF/DCR)
    Here you can find the reports related to the DCR/DCF. The reports refer to topics such as evaluation of national programmes, indicators, review of surveys, data quality aspects, etc.
  • Economic and Social analyses (fleet, processing, aquaculture)
    Here you can find the reports referring to topics such as the annual economic reports on the profitability of EU fleets, the fish processing sector, etc.
  • Fishing Dependent Information
    Here you can find the reports referring to analyses of the data submitted in response to the FDI data call and any outputs requested from the data.
  • Evaluation of Effort Regimes
    Here you can find the reports referring to the evaluations of fishing effort regimes regarding e.g. Annex IIA of TAC & Quota Regulations, Celtic Sea, Deep Seas, etc.
  • Management Plans; impacts and evaluations
    Here you can find the reports referring to topics such as multi-annual management plan evaluations, impact assessments, harvest control rules (HCRs), etc.
  • Mediterranean & Black Sea Stock Assessments
    Here you can find the reports referring to the assessments of Mediterranean and Black Sea stocks conducted by the STECF.
  • Review of Scientific Advice for Stocks
    Here you can find the reports referring to the advice on stocks and fisheries provided by the STECF.
  • Balance between capacity and fishing opportunities
    Here you can find the reports referring to STECF’s reviews of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities.
  • Environmental Impacts
    Here you can find the reports referring to topics such as by-catches of cetaceans, sensitive habitats, etc.
  • Landing obligation
    Here you can find the reports referring to topics such evaluation and reduction of discarding practices.
  • Technical measures
    Here you can find the reports referring to topics such as net selectivity, etc.
  • Strategic issues
    Here you can find the reports referring to topics such as how to implement an ecosystem approach to fisheries, etc...
  • CFP monitoring
    Here you can find the reports referring to monitoring the performance of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)
  • Other
    This category collects all reports that do not found a place into the previous listed categories.

STECF Library

For a more efficient search for specific reports, the STECF library option is recommended. The search can be performed by category, by framework, by year and/or by string in titles.

How to reference STECF reports

Reports of the STECF and its predecessor the STCF have been released in three different formats. Here you find suggestions on how to reference the reports.

  1. Reports formatted as Commission Staff Working Papers containing a SEC number (up to 2007).
    • Example:
      Commission Staff Working Paper SEC (2004) 1024, 18th report of the Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, 67pp.
  2. Reports formatted as Commission Staff Working Papers (but not containing SEC numbers, mainly in 2007 and 2008).
    • Example:
      Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Review of scientific advice for 2008 - Consolidated Advice on Stocks of Interest to the European Community. 2007. 346 pp.
  3. Reports formatted as JRC Scientific and Technical Reports (containing ISBN, EUR, doi, since end 2008).

    We suggest referencing these reports as monographs by listing the editors. Alternatively the names of all authors could be listed.

    • Reports before the entry of force of the Lisbon Treaty (European Communities...):
      • Example:
        Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - 29th Plenary Meeting Report. (eds. Casey j. & Doerner H). 2008. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, Luxembourg, EUR 23624 EN, JRC48911, 69 pp.
    • Reports after the entry of force of the Lisbon Treaty (European Union...):
      • Example:
        Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Methodologies for 2011 economic reports (STECF-11-03). (ed. Guillen J.). 2011. Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, EUR 24828 EN, JRC65056, 59 pp.

DCF data in STECF

Who can access the DCF data? What is the possible use of those data?

The possible use of the data collected under the umbrella of the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF) is regulated by the Regulation (EU) 2017/1004 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017:

  • Article 17
  • Article 20