Evaluation of work plans for data collection and data transmission issues
[ Annexes.zip ]
EWG 24-15 met in Brussels from 28 to 31 October 2024 and virtually on 4 November 2024. Reviewed in STECF PLEN 24-03.
[ JRC140596 ]

Compilation of the new DCF Annual Report template
[ Annexes.zip ]
STECF EWG 17- 17 part 1 met 16-19 of October and part 2, 23-26 of October 2017. Both meetings were held in Brussels

Preparation for the evaluation of the list of mandatory research surveys at sea
[ Annexes.zip ]
EWG 18-04,took place between 14-18 May 2018. It was a scoping meeting, in order to prepare for the review of surveys

Evaluation of DCF 2017 Annual Reports
[ Annexes.zip ]
EWG 18-10 met in Brussels on 25-29 June 2018. Since the meeting took place the week before STECF PLEN 18-02, the EWG report was not yet available to PLEN 18-02

Evaluation of Work Plans & Data Transmission failures
[ Annexes.zip ]
The EWG 18-18 met in Bremerhaven from 5 to 9 November 2018 to evaluate national Work Plan (WP) amendments submitted by Member States for 2019

Evaluation of the 2018 Annual Reports for data collection and Data Transmission issues
[ Annexes.zip ]
EWG 19-09 met in Gothenburg the 24-28 June 2019. Since the meeting took place the week before STECF PLEN 19-02, the final EWG report was not yet available to PLEN 19-02

Evaluation of mandatory surveys under the DCF
[ Annexes.zip ]
EWG 19-05 met during 13-17 May 2019 to evaluate research surveys of marine fish resources and propose surveys to be included on the list of mandatory surveys, as a revision to Table 10 of the EU Multiannual Programme for data collection...

Revision of the EU-MAP and Work Plan template
[ Annexes.zip ]
EWG 19-12 met from 16-20 September 2019 in Brussels. The report of EWG-19-12 was reviewed by the STECF at its 62nd plenary meeting held in Brussels, Belgium, 11-15 November 2019.

Evaluation of DCF Work Plans 2020-2021 and Data Transmission issues
[ Annexes.zip ]
EWG 19-18 met in Bremerhaven 4-8 November 2019. The report of EWG 19-18 was reviewed by the STECF at its 62nd plenary meeting held in Brussels, Belgium from 11-15 November 2019.

Evaluation of the 2019 Annual Reports for data collection and Data Transmission issues
[ Annexes.zip ]
The assessment of Annual Reports (ARs) on data collection in 2019 and Data transmission issues raised in relation to data calls in this year were carried out by the STECF Expert Working Group...

Revision of DCF Work Plan and Annual Report templates and guidelines
[ Annexes.zip ]
The EWG 20-18 met virtually 8-12 February 2021. The report of EWG 20-18 was reviewed by the STECF PLEN 21-01.
[ JRC124909 ]

Evaluation of the 2020 Annual Reports for data collection and Data Transmission issues
[ Annexes.zip ]
EWG 21-09 was held virtually from 21-25 June 2021. The report of the EWG was reviewed by the STECF PLEN 21-02.
[ JRC126126 ]

Evaluation of work plans for data collection
[ Annexes.zip]
EWG 21-17 met virtually 1-5 November 2021 to evaluate the DCF Work Plans 2022 and the Pilot Studies. The report was reviewed by the STECF PLEN 21-03.
[ JRC127696 ]

Evaluation of work plans for data collection and data transmission issues
[ Annexes.zip ]
This report deals with the evaluation of DCF Work Plan updates for 2022-2024(2027), the evaluation of Data Transmission issues, the finalisation of the Annual Report assessment grid and guidance and the DCF...

Evaluation of Work Plans for data collection and data transmission Issues.
[ Annexes.zip ]
This report was reviewed by the STECF at its 74th plenary meeting held in Brussels, Belgium, from 13-17 November 2023.
[ JRC136208 ]

Evaluation of the 2022 Annual Reports for data collection and data transmission issues from 2022.
[ Annexes.zip ]
EWG 23-08, which was held in Brussels 19-23 June 2023, was requested to evaluate MS Annual Reports on data collection for 2022 and the Member States’ data transmission to the end users...