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STECF - Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries

Strategic issues

  • General publications
  • 30 July 2024
STECF 24-06

Outermost Regions

The EWG 24-06 was tasked to i) provide guidelines for the assessment of balance in the ORs; ii) discuss the preparation of the Member States DCF workplans; and finally iii) analyse and advise on measures to recover the red snapper stock in Guiana waters.


  • General publications
  • 14 May 2023
STECF 22-13

Marketing standards: Review of proposed sustainability criteria/ indicators for aquaculture

[ Annex ]

EWG 22-13 met in Brussels, from 5-9th of September 2022. EWG 22-13 was a follow-up of EWG 20-05. EWG 22-13 focused only on aquaculture (while EWG 22-12 that was held in parallel focused on fisheries...

  • General publications
  • 15 February 2023
STECF 22-12

Validation of selected sustainability indicators and underlying methodologies for the revision of the EU marketing standards for fisheries products

[ Annex1, Annex2

EWG 22-12 met in Brussels, from 5-9th of September 2022. EWG 22-12 is a follow-up of EWG 20-05.

[ JRC132121 ]

  • General publications
  • 31 March 2023
STECF 20-04

Assessment and advice for non-quota stocks, to support the development of multi-annual strategies in the context EU-UK

EWG 22-04 met online from the 9th to the 13th of May 2022. EWG 22-04 was the first meeting of STECF on NQS.

[ JRC133282 ]

  • General publications
  • 23 April 2021
STECF 20-05

Criteria and indicators to incorporate sustainability aspects for seafood products in the marketing standards under the Common Market Organisation

The report of EWG 20-05 was reviewed by the STECF at its 66th plenary meeting held virtually from 22-26 March 2021. The STECF EWG 20-05 met on-line from...

  • General publications
  • 22 July 2020
STECF 19-19

Outermost Regions

[ Annexes ]

The working group was held in Brussels, Belgium, from 13 to 17 January 2020. The objective of the EWG 19-19 was to identify and prioritise specific issues for each EU Outermost Region (OR) regarding data collection, stock assessment, ecosystem knowledge, and social and...

  • General publications
  • 11 April 2024
STECF 23-18

Fishery sustainability indicators


Report from the EWG 23-18, which met in Ispra, Italy (hybrid) from 11th to 15th December 2023.

[ JRC137740 ]


strategic issues icon
  • General publications
  • 7 December 2023
STECF 23-02

Non-quota stocks – king scallops

This report is from the WG 23-02 on “Non-quota stocks – king scallops, which met virtually on the 19th and 20th April 2023.

[ JRC134655 ]