Assessment and advice for non-quota stocks, to support the development of multi-annual strategies in the context EU-UK
EWG 22-04 met online from the 9th to the 13th of May 2022
[ JRC133282 ]

Outermost Regions
The EWG 24-06 was tasked to i) provide guidelines for the assessment of balance in the ORs; ii) discuss the preparation of the Member States DCF workplans; and finally iii) analyse and advise on measures to recover the red snapper stock in Guiana waters.

Marketing standards: Review of proposed sustainability criteria/ indicators for aquaculture
[ Annexes.zip ]
Brussels, from 5-9th of September 2022. EWG 22-13 was a follow-up of EWG 20-05. EWG 22-13 focused only on aquaculture (while EWG 22-12 that was held in parallel focused on fisheries).
[ JRC132...

Assessment and advice for non-quota stocks, to support the development of multi-annual strategies in the context EU-UK
EWG 22-04 met online from the 9th to the 13th of May 2022. EWG 22-04 was the first meeting of STECF on NQS.
[ JRC133282 ]

Criteria and indicators to incorporate sustainability aspects for seafood products in the marketing standards under the Common Market Organisation
EWG 20-05 met on-line from 23th to the 27th November 2020, the result report was reviewed by the STECF PLEN 21-01.
[ JRC124927 ]

Outermost Regions
[ Annexes ]
The working group was held in Brussels, Belgium, from 13 to 17 January 2020. The objective of the EWG 19-19 was to identify and prioritise specific issues for each EU Outermost Region (OR) regarding data collection, stock assessment, ecosystem knowledge, and social and...

Fishery sustainability indicators
Report from the EWG 23-18, which met in Ispra, Italy (hybrid) from 11th to 15th December 2023.
[ JRC137740 ]

Non-quota stocks – king scallops
This report is from the WG 23-02, which met virtually on the 19th and 20th April 2023.
[ JRC134655 ]