STECF reports can be filtered by categories [ category definitions ], framework and publication date by the use of the left side selectors. Reports released before 2005 are accessible in the category “historic report” and will date back to the 1980s. The list is ordered to have the latest published document on top.
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STECF library (228)
RSSAssessment of balance indicators for key fleet seg. & review of NRs on MS balance efforts between fleet capacity and fish.opportunities
EWG 24-13: preparatory meeting, 3-5 September 2024, main meeting, 7-11 October. Review during STECF PLEN 24-03.
[ JRCxxx ]
Evaluation of Member States’ Annual Reports on the Landing Obligation (for 2019)
Adhoc contract in March 2020 and the report was reviewed during STECF PLEN 20-01 .
[ JRC121918 ]
Evaluation of fishing effort regime in the Western Mediterranean – part V
EWG 20-13 meeting: held on 5-9 October 2020 (virtual). This report is the fifth of a suite of STECF EWG reports dedicated to the fishing effort regime in the West Med Sea, following EWG reports 18-09, 18-13, 19-01 and 19-14
Stock Assessments: demersal stocks in the western Mediterranean Sea
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EWG 20-09 meeting was held remotely, from 7 to 18 September 2020. The report was reviewed during STECF PLEN 20-03.
[ JRC122993 ]
Stock Assessments in the Mediterranean Sea – Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Seas
[ ]
EWG 20-15 meeting held remotely from 12th to 21st October 2020 and reviewed during winter plenary STECF PLEN 20-03.
[ JRC122994 ]
FDI - Fisheries Dependent Information
EWG 20-10 met virtually during 14–18 September 2020 and the report was reviewed during the winter plenary meeting PLEN 20-03.
[ JRC122995 ]
Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities
[, Indicators.xlsx ]
EWG 20-11: virtual meeting, held from the 21–25 September 2020.
[ JRC123057 ]
West Med assessments: conversion factors, closures, effort data and recreational fisheries
Virtual meeting, 1-5 March 2021. The report was reviewed by the STECF PLEN 21-01.
[ JRC124913 ]
FDI - Fisheries Dependent Information
[ Annexes. zip ]
The joint EWG report covering the findings of both the EWG 21-10 and EWG 21-12 was made available to the STECF PLEN 21-03.
[ JRC127727 ]
Stock Assessments: demersal stocks in the western Mediterranean Sea
[ Annexes. zip ]
Virtual meeting, 6-10 September 2021. These conclusions come from the STECF PLEN 21-03.
[ JRC127744 ]
Stock assessments in the Mediterranean Sea 2021 – Adriatic and Ionian Seas
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EWG 21-15 was held remotely, from 18 to 22 October 2021.These conclusions come from the STECF PLEN 21-03.
[ JRC127766 ]
FDI - Fisheries Dependent Information
[ ]
EWG 22-10 met from 12-16 September 2022 at Ispra, Italy. The report and the presentation of the EWG 22-10 outcomes were given to PLEN 22-03 by the co-chairs.
[ JRC132080 ]
Stock Assessments: demersal stocks in the western Mediterranean Sea
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EWG 22-09 held remotely from 5th to 11th September 2022. The conclusions come from the STECF winter plenary PLEN 22-03.
[ JRC132120 ]
Assessment and advice for non-quota stocks, to support the development of multi-annual strategies in the context EU-UK
EWG 22-04 met online from the 9th to the 13th of May 2022
[ JRC133282 ]
Assessment of balance indicators for key fleet segments and review of national reports on Member States efforts to achieve balance between fleet capacity and fishing opportunities
[ and Indicator table.xlsx]
Virtual meeting, 17-21 October 2022.
[ JRC133303 ]
Review of the Technical Measures Regulation
EWG 22-19 held from 23rd to 27th January 2023 at JRC Ispra. it has been reviewed during PLEN 23-01.
[ JRC133589 ]