STECF reports can be filtered by categories [ category definitions ], framework and publication date by the use of the left side selectors. Reports released before 2005 are accessible in the category “historic report” and will date back to the 1980s. The list is ordered to have the latest published document on top.
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STECF library (228)
RSSEU MAP and template for National Work Plan
EWG 16-01 meeting held in Hamburg, Germany, from 7 to 11 March 2016. Report reviewed during STECF 51st plenary meeting held from 11 to 15 April 2016 in Brussels, Belgium
[ JRC101530 ]
Multiannual plan for demersal fisheries in the Western Mediterranean
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EWG 16-02 convened in September 2016 in Varese (Italy). Report reviewed during the winter plenary BRUSSELS, 24-28 October 2016
[ JRC103958 ]
Special request for evaluating Baltic cod additional measures
This report was issues by written procedure by the STECF in November 2016
[ JRC104496 ]
Management Plan for Mechanised Dredges in Andalusia, Spain
This report was issued by the STECF by written procedure in February 2017
[ JRC105973 ]
Bio-economic Methodology
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its 54th plenary meeting held from 27 to 31 March 2017 at JRC, Ispra, Italy
[ JRC106583 ]
Assessment of the implementation report of the management plan for boat seines ('sonsera') in the autonomous region of Catalonia
[ JRC110676 ]
Data gaps and Biomass Escapement Strategy for Adriatic anchovy and sardine
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Ispra, Italy, 26 February - 2 March 2018
[ JRC111721 ]
Evaluation of alternative scenarios for Adriatic small pelagic MAP
STECF issued its advice by written procedure in January 2018
[ JRC111685 ]
Management Plan for boat seines in Murcia, Spain
This report deals with the review of a management plan for boat seines in Murcia, Spain. The STECF produced its advice by written procedure in September 2019.
[ JRC118074 ]
Methods for developing the fishing effort regime for demersal fisheries in western Mediterranean Sea – Part III
Third EWG report dealing with methods for developing the fishing effort regime for demersal fisheries in western Mediterranean Sea, after EWG 18-09 and 18-13
[ JRC116968 ]
Evaluation of multi-annual plan for the Nord Sea demersal stock
This report was reviewed by the STECF of its 48th plenary meeting held fro 13 to 17 April 2015 Brussels, Belgium
[ JRC95959 ]
Evaluation /Scoping of Management plans - Data analysis for support of the impact assessment for the management plan of Bay of Biscay anchovy (COM(2009)399 final).
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 45th plenary meeting held from 24 to 28 March 2014 in Brussels, Belgium
[ JRC89792 ]
Evaluation/scoping of Management plans Evaluation of the multi-annual plan for the management of Western Channel sole (Regulation EC 509/2007)
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 45 th plenary meeting held from 24 to 28 March 2014 in Brussels, Belgium
[ JRC89793 ]
Evaluation/scoping of management plans Evaluation of the multi-annual management plan for the North Sea stocks of plaice and sole
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 45th plenary meeting held from 24 to 28 March 2014 in Brussels, Belgium
[ JRC89797 ]
Multispecies management plans for the Baltic
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 39th plenary meeting held from 16 to 20 April 2012 in Brussels, Belgium
[ JRC70982 ]
North Sea and Kattegat scoping for mixed fisheries
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 39th plenary meeting held from 16 to 20 April 2012 in Brussels, Belgium
[ JRC70966 ]
Evaluation of multi-annual plans for cod in Irish Sea, Kattegat, North Sea, and West of Scotland
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its 37th plenary meeting held from 11 to 25 July, 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark
[ JRC66051 ]
Impact Assessment of multi-annual plans for Southern hake, angler fish and Nephrops
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its 37th plenary meeting held from 11 to 25 July, 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark
[ JRC66050 ]
Impact Assessment of Baltic cod multi-annual plans
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its 37th plenary meeting held from 11 to 25 July, 2011 in Copenhagen, Denmark
[ JRC66048 ]
Scoping for Impact Assessments for Baltic cod and Evaluation of Cod in Kattegat, North Sea, West of Scotland and Irish Sea
This report was adopted by the STECF during its 36th plenary meeting held from 11-15 April, 2011 in Barza, Italy
[ JRC64951 ]