STECF opinion on the report of the first meeting of the subgroup on BY-CATCHES OF TURTLES in the EU Longline fisheries
November, 2005 - STECF opinion expressed during plenary meeting held in Brussels, in November 2005 Plenary Meeting
[ SEC() ]
Evaluation of Plans for Protection of Marine Living Resources on the Italian Mainland, in Sicily and Sardinia
3-7 April 2006,
[ SEC(2007-466) ]
Sensitive and essential fish habitat in the Mediterranean Sea
06-10 March 2006, STECF evaluation during plenary 3-7 April 2006
[ SEC xxx ]
Evaluation of Plans for Protection of Marine Living Resources in Sardinia
6-8 February 2007, STECF opinion delivered in the plenary session of 23-27 April 2007.
[ SEC ( ) ]
Report of the Working Group on Evaluation of Closed Areas
Brussels, 19-17 March 2007 and evaluated by STECF in its plenary session of 18-22 June 2007.
[ SEC(2007) ]
Evaluation of closed area schemes
Meeting held in October 2007 and STECF opinion expressed during PLEN of 5-9 November 2007 in Ispra
[ SEC(2007) ]
Review of Joint Recommendations for Natura 2000 sites at Dogger Bank, Cleaver Bank, Frisian Front and Central Oyster grounds
The STECF produced its advice by written procedure in August 2019.
[ JRC117963 ]
Review of the implementation of the shark finning regulation and assessment of the impact of the 2009 European Community Action Plan for the Conservation and Management of Sharks
This report is from the EWG 19-17 Sharks which met in Ispra between 7th and 11th October 2019 to review the...
Review of the implementation of the EU regulation on the incidental catches of cetaceans
JRC, Ispra (Italy), 17-21 June 2019
[ JRC117515 ]