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STECF - Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries


STECF members

  • The STECF shall consist of not less than 30 members and not more than 35 members. (article 4 of Commission Decision (2016/C 74/05));
  • With a view to implement Union policy in the area of fisheries and aquaculture, the assistance of highly qualified scientific experts is required, particularly in the application of marine and fisheries biology, fishing gear technology, fisheries economics, fisheries governance, ecosystem effects of fisheries, aquaculture or similar disciplines, or in the field of collection, management and use of fisheries and aquaculture data.
    (para (2) of Commission Decision (2016/C 74/05)).

Current STECF members:
The current members of the STECF have been appointed by the Director-General of DG Maritime Affairs and Fisheries in June 2022 for a period of three years (start date of 1st plenary meeting of the new STECF) and a reserve list was drawn up. The reserve list may be used by the Commission for replacement of members who leave the group in accordance with paragraph 6 of article 4 of Commission Decision (2016/C 74/05).

The names of STECF members and additional information are published in the Register of Commission expert groups.

STECF rules of procedures

In accordance with Article 7(7) of Commission Decision (2016/C 74/05), the STECF shall adopt its rules of procedure on the basis of the standard rules of procedure for expert groups.

These rules of procedure shall ensure that the STECF executes its duties and responsibilities in compliance with the principles of excellence, independence and transparency, while respecting the legitimate requirements of confidentiality.

Discussion and adoption of the rules of procedure took place during the July 2022 plenary meeting.

Call for Application

The three years term of the current STECF will end in June 2025. When a Call for Applications is announced, a message containing links and details will be posted in the "News & Communication" section of this website.

Secretariat of the STECF

  • The Commission shall provide the secretariat for the STECF and its working groups.
  • The secretariat shall be responsible for providing technical and administrative support and coordination to facilitate the efficient functioning of the STECF and to organize meetings for its working groups.
  • Where necessary, the secretariat shall coordinate activities of STECF and its working groups with those of other Community and international bodies.
    (article 6(6) of 2016/C 74/05)
  • Since 2005 the JRC assumes the secretariat of the STECF.

Working Groups

In agreement with the Commission services, the STECF group may set up sub-groups to examine specific questions on the basis of the terms of reference defined by the Commission. The sub-groups shall consist of at least two group (=STECF) members and external experts. Sub-groups shall report to the group within a given time frame in accordance with those terms of reference. Such sub-groups shall be disbanded as soon as their mandate is fulfilled.
(article 6 point 4 of Commission Decision (2016/C 74/05)).

Note that up to end 2010 the following acronyms were used:

SG-BRE = Sub-group on balance between resources and the exploitation
SG-ECA = Sub-group on Economic Affairs
SG-FEN = Sub group on Environmental Impact
SG-MED = Sub-group on the Mediterranean sea and on the Black sea
SG-MOS = Sub-group on management objectives and strategies
SG-RN = Sub-group on research needs
SG-RST = Sub-group on stock reviews

Since 2011 specific working groups of the STECF are labeled as Expert Working Groups (EWG) with a clear and concise title and the above listed sub-group acronyms are not used anymore.

EWG chair corner

To facilitate the work of the chairpersons the STECF secretariat in collaboration with the STECF board and DG MARE drafted "STECF: Guidelines for STECF Expert Working Group (EWG) Chairs".

External experts

The Commission services may invite experts from outside the STECF group with specific competence in a subject on the agenda to take part in the work of the SECF group or the sub-group on an ad hoc basis (external experts). See Article 6 point 3 of Commission Decision (2016/C 74/05) [here].

STECF & European Commission

  • Meetings of the STECF and its Expert Working Groups shall be agreed by and convened by the Commission.
  • Commission representatives with an interest in the proceedings may attend meetings of the STECF and its Expert Working Groups.
  • The Commission services may invite experts from outside the group with specific competence in a subject on the agenda to take part in the work of the group or the sub-group on an ad hoc basis (external experts).
    (article 6 of 2016/C 74/05)