STECF reports can be filtered by categories [ category definitions ], framework and publication date by the use of the left side selectors. Reports released before 2005 are accessible in the category “historic report” and will date back to the 1980s. The list is ordered to have the latest published document on top.
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STECF library (228)
RSSImpact Assessment of Bay of Biscay sole
This report was adopted by the STECF during its 36th plenary meeting held from 11-15 April, 2011 in Barza, Italy
[ JRC64947 ]
Objectives and Strategies
Part c: Impact assessment of Western Channel sole multi-annual plan
VIGO 18-22 October 2010
[ JRC61948 ]
Objectives and Strategies
Part b: Impact assessment of North Sea plaice and sole multi-annual plan
6 VIGO 18-22 October 2010 FOR STECF PLENARY 8-12 November 2010
[ JRC61990 ]
Objectives and Strategies
Part d: Evaluation of Multi-Annual Plan for hake and Nephrops in areas VIIIc and IXa
18-22 October 2010, VIGO
[ JRC61946 ]
Management plans part 2 - developing area based management plans
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 40th plenary meeting held from 9 to 13 July 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark
[ JRC73150 ]
Management plans part 2 - changes to cod plans
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 40th plenary meeting held from 9 to 13 July 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark
[ JRC73149 ]
International dimension
This report was reviewed by the STECF during its’ 40th plenary meeting held from 9 to 13 July 2012 in Copenhagen, Denmark
[ JRC73115 ]
Development of Protocols for Multi-annual Plan Impact Assessments
HAMBURG 1-5 January 2010 finalised in STECF PLENARY 26-30 April 2010,
[ JRC58543 ]
Evaluation of Fishery Multi-annual Plans
23-27 November 2009, LISBON
[ JRC58542 ]
Advice on Stocks in the Baltic Sea
June 2009, evaluated by STECF by written procedure
[ JRC52743 ]
Evaluation of "Policy statement harvest rules”
12 – 16 MARCH 2007, LISBON
[ JRC49127 ]
Northern hake long-term management plans
Lisbon, 4-8 June 2007
[ JRC49104 ]
Northern hake long-term management plan impact assessment
Brussels, 3-6 December 2007
[ JRC49103 ]
Report of the Working Group on Harvest Control Rules
9 - 13 JUNE, 2008, LOWESTOFT, UK
[ JRC49098 ]
Methods for supporting stock assessment in the Mediterranean
[ ]
Virtual meeting, 12-16 April 2021 and reviewed during STECF PLEN 21-02.
[ JRC126125 ]
Evaluation of maximum catch limits and closure areas in the Western Mediterranean
8th of a suite of STECF EWG reports dedicated to the evaluation of the implementation of the West Med Sea MAP, following EWG reports 18-09, 18-13, 19-01, 19-14, 20-13, 21-01 and 21-13.
[ J...
Skates & Rays Management
The management of skates and rays has been subject to ongoing review and research, including requests to the STECF to evaluate possible changes to TAC setting and alternative management approaches (STECF 15-01, STECF 17-16 (EWG 17-10)).
[ JRC134124 ]