Filter by Keywords Status Upcoming and ongoingPastToggle dropdown Event date SelectAfterBeforeIn betweenToggle dropdown Date End Date Venue 4 days in Brussels, Borchette Center (28-31 Oct) and 1 day on-line (4 Nov)Albert Borschette Conference CentreBrochette CenterBrusselsBrusselsBrusselshybridhybrid: JRC & on-linehybrid: JRC + on-linehybrid: JRC - Joint Research Centre & on-lineJoint Research CentreJoint Research CentreJoint Research CentreJoint Research Centre - IspraJRC + on-line (hybrid)JRC - IspraJRC - IspraJRC-Isprato be decidedToggle dropdown Highlighted NoToggle dropdown Type of meeting EWGPLENWGToggle dropdown Search Clear filters Meetings: past & future (47) RSS Showing results 1 to 20 Status Past Upcoming and ongoing 10-14Nov2025Expert meetingsPLEN 25-03: winter plenary meetingBelgium03-07Nov2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-16: Evaluation of WPs for data collection and data transmission issuesOnline only31Oct2025Expert meetingsRescheduledEWG 25-17: climate change impacts on international fisheries20Oct2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-14: Implementation of the Technical Measures RegulationOnline only20-24Oct2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-15: Economic Report on the fish processing industry Online only15Oct2025Expert meetingsRescheduledmini-PLEN: validate results of EWG 25-10Online only13-17Oct2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-13: Social Data in EU fisheries 2: analysis and evaluation 06-10Oct2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-12: Balance/Capacity30Sep2025Expert meetingsRescheduledEWG 25-11: Fishing effort regime for demersal fisheries in West Med08-12Sep2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-10: Evaluation of FDI for EU FleetsIspra, Italy01Sep2025Expert meetingsRescheduledEWG 25-09: Stock assessments in the Western Mediterranean Sea 202531Aug2025Expert meetingsRescheduledWG 25-12: preparatory working group for Balance-CapacityOnline only07-11Jul2025Expert meetingsPLEN 25-02: summer plenary 2025Belgium30Jun2025Expert meetingsRescheduledEWG 25-06: Ad-hoc hake assessmentOnline only30Jun2025Expert meetingsRescheduledmini-PLEN: validate results of EWG 25-04Online only23-27Jun2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-08: Evaluation of the Annual Reports for data collection and data transmission issuesBelgium16-20Jun2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-07: Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet IIOnline only19-23May2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-05: FDI methodsOnline only12-16May2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-04: Evaluation of joint recommendations on the Landing Obligation and Technical Measures Online only07-11Apr2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-03: Annual Economic Report on the EU Fishing Fleet IOnline only 1Page 123Next
03-07Nov2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-16: Evaluation of WPs for data collection and data transmission issuesOnline only
30Sep2025Expert meetingsRescheduledEWG 25-11: Fishing effort regime for demersal fisheries in West Med
01Sep2025Expert meetingsRescheduledEWG 25-09: Stock assessments in the Western Mediterranean Sea 2025
31Aug2025Expert meetingsRescheduledWG 25-12: preparatory working group for Balance-CapacityOnline only
23-27Jun2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-08: Evaluation of the Annual Reports for data collection and data transmission issuesBelgium
12-16May2025Expert meetingsEWG 25-04: Evaluation of joint recommendations on the Landing Obligation and Technical Measures Online only